Fall Into balance

The “wind” comes up in autumn which can get you feeling a little tweaked, easily overwhelmed, perhaps irritable from leftover summer heat. A few simple fall tweaks can have you feeling less tweaked!

Slow down even for a few breaths before you eat and enjoy better digestion and mental space.

Don’t let the chill getcha!

Shift from salads and fresh summer fruits to cooked greens and veggies, and cooked apples, prunes, and the like.

Make coriander tea by boiling 16 oz of water with 1 tsp coriander seed (crush it first) for 15 minutes. Strain and drink warm or even at room temperature. Its benefits are endless this time of year.

To learn more recipes and techniques for balance this time of year, check out the Fall Community cleanse, where we learn by doing it! together!


You Are magical, radiant!


Fall Food Tips