The Seasonal blog is a collection of articles and musings from Ayurvedic Practitioner, Kate O’Donnell.

Here you’ll find a sanctuary of Ayurvedic recipes, lifestyle insights, and self-care rituals designed to nurture your entire being.

Happy reading!

Alliah Bantilan Alliah Bantilan

Cooking AlerT!

Cooking weekend and dravya guna studies with @kripalucenter school of Ayurveda.

- Shown here
- Mineral gomasio
- Cumin rice
- Warming tomato dal

All recipes from The Everyday Ayurveda Cookbook 🍛

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Alliah Bantilan Alliah Bantilan

When I Feel….

You’re never sorry you got out for that walk, are you?

The opposite of cloudy and slow is fast and sharp, and movement is the medicine, for both body and mind.

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Alliah Bantilan Alliah Bantilan

A Journey Back to the Kitchen

Been making a move towards more hands-on medicine making. Each meal for me is a medicinal preparation. Soaking, stirring, seasoning, and finally, enjoying.

When did we learn that making food for ourselves is secondary to work?

Enjoy the journey in the kitchen my friends, and make a meal today.

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Alliah Bantilan Alliah Bantilan

Things I wish I knew in my 30s.

Things I wish I knew in my 30s.

You are fabulous and you can do anything. I look back on how strong and capable I was! I didn’t always believe in myself.

YOLO. I feel this now, in my forties big time! Something to live by.

Nourish Your self well. As I age, nutrition gets more and more important and I think back on the times I didn’t slow down to eat enough. Go get it girl! You can digest that!

Your period is super important. Oh man, I was resistant in my 30s to slowing down for the inner-flow. I am so grateful for the women’s health initiatives I began in my mid-30s and continue to this day, that support healthy womb and hormones. My period practices count for so much.

If you are interested in more on this, check out my Lunar Rhythms course that just launched! It’s here.

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Alliah Bantilan Alliah Bantilan

Lunar Yoga Ritual

In a world where “exercise” is often valued more than rest, I take care to balance dynamism and quieting activities in my movement practice.

Each day it arises in response to how I feel. I find energies cycle with the moon phase, with the season, and with my other responsibilities.

Each day I am seeking a balance of dynamism and rest.

Can’t wait to launch my NEW Lunar Yoga Sequence class, DM LUNAR and or just click this link.

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Alliah Bantilan Alliah Bantilan

Cumin seed

Dry roasting spices improves their aroma and flavor, but also their medicinal actions!

Cumin seeds warm up the gut and contain good oils and lots of iron. I love the taste of cumin and use it in most of my soups. Don’t forget to toast and grind it first!

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Alliah Bantilan Alliah Bantilan

A lunar cycle

Over the course of a month, we move away from a release of the previous month’s energies to cultivating new energy and intentions, celebrating and manifesting, and looking inwards.

Start by simply being aware of when your full and new moons are, add them to your calendar and the awareness will grow from there.

AND check out my Lunar Yoga Class, with video and audio practice for your new moon vibes. Find it here.

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Alliah Bantilan Alliah Bantilan


The word for heart, *Hyridaya,* can mean both heart and mind- isn’t that interesting? How do you nourish your heart and mind?

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Alliah Bantilan Alliah Bantilan

You Are magical, radiant!

Sending your friendly magic-self reminder for today! Especially where Health is concerned, remember the magic in you, and the efficacy of prayer and gratitude.

A seasonal cleanse, while having incredible physical benefits, can also be a spiritual practice. This is how I guide us. Find the Fall Community Cleanse link here and sign up now to get your shopping lists and have time to prepare.

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Alliah Bantilan Alliah Bantilan

Fall Into balance

The “wind” comes up in autumn which can get you feeling a little tweaked, easily overwhelmed, perhaps irritable from leftover summer heat. A few simple fall tweaks can have you feeling less tweaked!

Slow down even for a few breaths before you eat and enjoy better digestion and mental space.

Don’t let the chill getcha!

Shift from salads and fresh summer fruits to cooked greens and veggies, and cooked apples, prunes, and the like.

Make coriander tea by boiling 16 oz of water with 1 tsp coriander seed (crush it first) for 15 minutes. Strain and drink warm or even at room temperature. Its benefits are endless this time of year.

To learn more recipes and techniques for balance this time of year, check out the Fall Community cleanse, where we learn by doing it! together!

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