Hair as Psychic Antenna

More in the “about me” series...I trimmed my hair today.

I have had long hair my entire life- except for the first trip to India when I came home with head lice and had to shave it. I don’t have a picture of that.

I used to cry every time mom cut it. Yogananda (author of Autobiography of a Yogi) wrote that some yogis keep hair long to “draw from the ether a greater quantity of cosmic rays.”

Well, I'm not sure my fascination, but still with the long hair. It feels a part of who I am, somehow.

In the era of this photo, I had a red-haired cabbage patch kid whose “cornsilk” hair went to her knees. I learned how to french-braid on her and can actually French braid my own hair! 

Did you have a cabbage patch kid? What was her name? Mine was Lucy. I loved her with all my heart.


The Girl with the Goose Sweater


Three Embarrassing Things