How Much Exercise?

That’s interesting, isn’t it? Don’t we usually believe that we should exercise UNTIL fatigue, or we are being lazy??? 

I think the question may be whether is it the mind or the body that we are trying to “tire out” 

In Ayurveda, a state of exhaustion is not desirable at all. A busy mind can create a lot of nervous fluctuation in the body. This is best smoothed by gentle and rhythmic movement and breathing. Maybe meditation/ visualization. I made a “seasonal movement bundle” with three practices that include all of the above.

That being said, in a world where many sit at a desk most of the day, vigorous exercise may be in order- taking care to save some juice for later.  

What I'm wondering is, how many of us base our exercise choices each day on how the body feels?? Versus what we are “supposed” to do given some external idea or program. 

The middle path, and perhaps the most healing, is a combination of discipline, hard work, self-nurture, and deep rest. This takes time to develop, in my experience. And is always shifting. 


Cultural Changes


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