Irregular Periods during Perimenopause
As hormones fluctuate, intervals between cycles can become longer or shorter in perimenopause. Periods can become inconsistent in the amount of blood shed: women may have spotting before or between periods, or experience heavy or longer-than-normal periods.
If you are traveling a lot or finding yourself too busy to sit for a meal or do an oil massage, and your periods are irregular, it is even more important to establish grounding routines. Consistent mealtimes, a consistent bedtime, or establishing a regular rest period (especially when bleeding!), will all provide stability for your body.
When daily routines do not remedy irregular cycles, working with herbs can help. Start taking Women’s Natural Transition, or consult an Ayurvedic practitioner who can suggest a mixture of herbs to support your overall balance. During perimenopause, some irregularity in the menstrual cycle is normal, but if you consistently have spotting between periods, bleed for more than seven days, or experience a new onset of pelvic discomfort, see your healthcare provider.