The Seasonal blog is a collection of articles and musings from Ayurvedic Practitioner, Kate O’Donnell.
Here you’ll find a sanctuary of Ayurvedic recipes, lifestyle insights, and self-care rituals designed to nurture your entire being.
Happy reading!
The Time my Ayurvedic Doctor Taught me a Lesson on Moderation
The time my Ayurvedic doctor taught me a lesson on Moderation ….
At an Ayurveda clinic on a local holiday, a reveler wandered in from the street with sweets to share. I was observing a cleansing diet that week, and when the man put a sweet in my hand that I “shouldn’t” eat, I wanted to cry.
Seeing my reaction, the doctor broke off a chunk and said, “enjoy this small piece, and be happy.” This challenge to my “all or nothing” approach was the beginning of a continuing path toward moderation and a true, mindful enjoyment of food.
Ayurvedic meals often feature small amounts of ingredients, which could be aggravating in larger quantities. Rather than omitting an ingredient, dishes will have just a sprinkle of roasted nuts, chopped chili, or potato, for example- enough to please the senses without accumulating in the system.
Three Embarrassing Things
HI! This is my new headshot by the wonderful @carabros – what do you think?
I’d like to make one of those “hello meet me I'm Kate posts” which I've never done here on IG. It strikes me that this platform is actually about connecting, isn’t it? Getting that feeling of being a part of it, following along with the lives of others. Wouldn’t that make it very problematic to use this is as a place to pretend to be other than we are?
In the interest of being a real person as a public figure, I’d like to share 3 embarrassing things about me:
I peed my pants on a chair in 3rd grade (because I was afraid the teacher wouldn’t let me go pee) and I let another kid sit on it right after me without telling him. Still remember that moment.
I’m very defensive when I think I’ve “done something wrong” and this makes me a hard person to confront.
I like cafeteria food! It goes back to when my mom worked in a hospital when I was little.
Should I share more?? Look for a series from me in the coming week...anything you are wondering? Please comment below. I may or may not tell you : )
Should skinny people do a cleanse?
Knowing when to introduce building qualities and when to introduce reducing ones makes all the difference. One must be strong enough to cleanse without creating a deficiency in the tissues. A person with zero body fat should not lose weight in the name of a seasonal health regimen.
For this person, undertaking a cleanse might look like not eating junk food, and eating only foods that nourish the body. This allows a clean-up to go on. But it also requires a focus on nourishment, and preparation of good food, possibly more than three times daily. Cooking, grocery shopping, sitting down, and eating.