Taking care of yourself...
Taking care of yourself is about maintaining good health through a steady practice of self-observation. Ayurveda works when you pay attention to your Self. The information you gain about what makes you glow is pure gold.
Think about caring for plants and pets. You have to pay attention to them—figure out what kind of food they like, how much sun and water they need—by watching how they react to changes. Everybody knows you have to walk a dog and water a plant, but how often? Does it change as they age or at different times of year as the sunshine and rains shift?
There’s no judgment if a plant likes less sun or needs fresh soil. And there’s no need to judge what makes you thrive, like needing more rest than exercise or the other way around. There’s true intimacy, acceptance, and joy in this kind of self-discovery. I am feeling so lucky today that this is part of my work.