04: Gut Health 101: Kate Talks Toxins

Today, we’re exploring digestion.

According to Ayurvedic medicine, digestion is a vital aspect of overall health, and toxins form the foundation of any disease process. So, in this episode, we focus on how toxins occur and what we can do to address them.

Stay tuned to learn about the mechanisms of toxin formation and Ayurvedic detoxification methods.

Understanding Ama

In Ayurvedic medicine, the term ama refers to toxins that are the root cause of disease. Ama begins as poorly digested food in the gut and can spread throughout the body, causing body aches and joint pain. Ensuring optimal digestion is the key to preventing toxins from settling in the body.

Role of Agni in Digestion

Agni, the digestive fire in Ayurveda, is crucial for good health. It helps to nourish tissues and eliminate toxins. Impaired Agni leads to poorly digested food, which becomes ama. Understanding and maintaining strong Agni can prevent the buildup of toxins.

Causes of Poor Digestion

Several factors can impair digestion, leading to the formation of ama. They include consuming too much cold food and drink, overeating, eating a lot of heavy food, and eating before digesting the previous meal. Antibiotics and some pharmaceuticals can also impair digestion.

Impact of Undigested Food

Poorly digested food sits in the stomach, putrefies, and creates a sticky, mucous-like substance. That further impairs the digestive fire, creating a cycle of poor digestion and the buildup of toxins. The key is to allow adequate time between meals for proper digestion.

Practical Tips for Good Digestion

To promote good digestion, Ayurveda recommends avoiding overeating, emotional eating, consuming too much cold food and drink, and ensuring proper meal spacing. It is also important to address stress.

Accumulation of Waste

Waste accumulation in the body can lead to toxins. Ayurveda identifies three channels for waste removal: urine, feces, and sweat. Suppressing the urge to eliminate wastes can contribute to toxin buildup. It’s essential to respect these natural urges.

Mental Toxins

Ayurveda also considers mental toxins that arise from undigested emotions and experiences. Addressing and processing emotions is crucial for overall health, as unresolved emotions can affect physical health over time.

Tips to Avoid Toxin Formation

  • Be mindful of when you begin feeling full, and practice meal spacing.

  • Take moments of mindfulness before eating to bring consciousness to your eating.

  • Always sit down to eat, as it allows your digestive organs to function optimally.

Prioritizing good digestion is essential for preventing the buildup of toxins in the body. Focus on how you eat rather than specific foods. In future episodes, we will explore how to process the accumulated toxins in the gut.

Links and Resources:

Everyday Ayurveda Community Membership

Ayurvedic Sleep Workshop

Summer Self Care Workshop

Everyday Ayurveda for Women's Health


05: Circadian Rhythms for Balanced Mood, Sleep, and Digestion


03: Yoga for Women with Emma Balnaves