Back by popular demand, with a new menu, this program is for beginning cooks and seasoned cooks, anyone wanting to learn more about how to apply the traditional principles and techniques of Ayurvedic cookery in their kitchen and daily life. The program will present daily self-care practices, ayurvedic digestion and nutrition basics, and recipes, tools and techniques for preparing fresh, nourishing meals at home without a lot of fuss.
Participants will be encouraged to roll up the sleeves and help out in the kitchen, applying techniques and tools, and tasting the dishes we are creating. Participants will also be learning and practicing Dinacharya, daily self-care, such as oiling of the skin, nose, and scalp- mindfulness techniques for relaxation, and gentle yoga for digestive health. Class time will include talks on Ayurvedic diet and nutrition as well as interactive cooking demos and tastings. Students are encouraged to attend Kripalu yoga classes and practice basic dinacharya during our immersion, which they will learn on opening night.
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