I’ll be guest teaching Mysore March 1-6th, followed by a weekend of workshops. 1:1 consultations also available that week.
Saturday 9-12: Spring Detox
Late winter and spring are a time for cleansing qualities, increasing circulation, and elimination of winter build-up. We will discuss recipes and food choices, breathing exercises, and home remedies for building the digestive fire, mobilizing metabolism, and clearing out stagnation.
Sunday 9-12 and 2-5: Ayurveda and Yoga Immersion
This day-long intensive is for those who wish to apply the principles of Ayurveda to their personal yoga practice or teaching practice. We will explore and experience yoga for different body types, and how to shift the practice with the seasons. Learn how the Ayurvedic anatomy of the body is also yoga’s view of the body and how postures and breathing techniques can be used to balance digestion, circulation, and support mental wellness.