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Online Spring Community Cleanse

Why you should join this 10-day online program for purification and rejuvenation.

Digestion gets gunked up over time and it’s good to eat clean for a bit and give your gut a chance to heal itself. All it needs is a chance.

Couple the clean eats with Ayurvedic dinacharya, or daily routines, like tongue scraping, oil massage, and meal spacing, to get optimal results that may surprise you with their efficacy.

Cleansing can help you hit the “reset button” on your habits. It’s not just about losing weight or cleaning up after a bender, it’s also about connecting more deeply to your innate ability to heal, renew, and replenish.

Pre-order link here.

March 27

Book Talk & Signing with Kate O'Donnell

April 5

10th anniversary edition of The Everyday Ayurveda Cookbook