I spent a few long trips in India in my early twenties traveling around
I spent a few long trips in India in my early twenties traveling around, pretty aimlessly, but quite sure that I wasn’t going to buy into the cultural norms in my own country and get a job, get married, buy a house, have kids. Of course, I didn’t have any life experience to give me a context for finding what I did want. I was lost.
Know the feeling??? I’d love to see your story in the comments below.
In the preservation of health, Ayurveda takes into account not only the time of day and time of year, but also the time of life a person is in. Learning this concept in my late 20s revolutionized the way I thought about my life.
Certain aspects, qualities, and even doshas are prevalent at different life stages. The Vedic view of life clearly describes four stages of evolution, which dovetail with the four components of life: physical, mental, senses, and soul.
I find this life-flow invaluable in understanding the bigger picture of the arc of a lifetime and not getting stuck in the small stuff, or fostering imbalances unawares.